Group Therapy

Group Therapy


Over the years, our clients have continued to inspire the development of a wide range of evidence-based group therapy programs. Our programs have grown significantly in popularity due to their capacity to produce wonderful results for participants and their families/carers.
  • Modelling and support by qualified Speech-Language Pathologists and Occupational Therapists to help you or your family member reach their goals
  • Support from peers and building of confidence through newfound friendships
  • Peer communication within realistic social settings
  • Practice in a setting that mimics a real-world environment (a classroom, play date with friends, community access, daily living activities etc.)
  • A cost effective way to engage in therapy

Bloom provides a range of accredited curriculum-based programs in addition to custom built programs designed and facilitated by our experienced therapists and Allied Health Assistants. We offer groups suited to both children, adolescents and adults.


Blooming Buddies

Social skills group for children aged 3 – 4 years old. Group activities focus on greetings and getting to know peers, turn taking, winning/losing skills, teamwork / being part of a group, imaginary play and emotional regulation.

Lego Legends

Based on the Lego® therapy model, Lego Legends is a play-based group therapy program aimed at supporting the social development of children aged 6 – 10 years old with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or other social communication challenges.

Social Problem Solvers

Our Social Problem Solvers (SPS) group is for children in grades one and two who have a basic foundation of social skills but need support in solving more complex social situations and navigating their emotional responses.

Social Squad

Social Squad (SS) is a group therapy program for teens / young adults looking to improve their social skills alongside peers with the close support of a speech pathologist and allied health assistant.
Social Squad will focus on social skills including: Developing and maintaining friendships, improving conversational skills, choosing appropriate friends and finding common interests, practicing appropriate use of electronic communication, practicing appropriate use of humour, how to start, enter and exit conversations with peers, how to be a good sport when playing games and/or sports with friends, and how to handle arguments and disagreements with friends/peers.

Prep Readiness

Bloom’s prep readiness groups provide the optimal environment to support your child to build the skills and confidence they require for a smooth transition into formal schooling. Children will be supported to follow a routine in a small group with the support of a speech pathologist and a therapy assistant.

Chop and Chat

Chop and Chat is a group therapy program for adults interested in developing daily living skills, functional communication, and social connection alongside peers with similar goals. Developed and facilitated by Bloom’s speech and occupational therapists, Chop and Chat provides a supportive space to practice and develop important skills such as: planning, organising, problem solving and completing procedural tasks, meal preparation, household duties (cleaning, setting the table), shopping and money handling, functional literacy skills (including AAC) and social communication, teamwork and friendship.

Game On

Our Game On group has been designed by our speech therapists to encourage social communication, connection and expressive and receptive language skills in a fun, inclusive and supportive environment. Each session involves a board or video game activity where participants can socialise and work on developing their communication skills. Each participant has the opportunity to take on a role during each game, such as instruction reader, scorer, mediator. They also need to collaborate and work together to set up the game and understand the rules and process. Within the game we explore themes such as winning and losing and the emotions that may surround those experiences.

Our team are there to guide and provide support to our group participants who are encouraged to achieve their goals within an enjoyable and functional space. We run multiple groups throughout the year. Please contact us for upcoming dates. Please feel free to register your interest below and we will contact you.